It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
About our Health Officer
Florida Department of Health in Bradford County
- 904-964-7732
Mailing Address
1801 N. Temple Ave.
Starke, FL 32091

Amie Oody RN, MPH
Florida Department of Health in Bradford County
Amie Oody, RN, MPH, has been the administrator for the Florida Department of Health in Bradford and Union Counties since 2018. She has served the Department in these counties for the past eighteen years, most recently in the role of Assistant County Health Department Director. Ms. Oody began her career in public health in 2000 as a school nurse for the Florida Department of Health in Bradford County (DOH-Bradford) and in 2002 became the School Health Coordinator. In 2007, Ms. Oody became the Director of Nursing for both the Bradford and Union County Health Departments and has served in several leadership roles including serving as interim administrator in Suwannee, Lafayette, Bradford, and Union counties as well as the Chief Executive Officer of New River Health, a federally qualified health center, since 2013.
Ms. Oody graduated from the University of Florida-Gainesville with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1998. She received a Master of Public Health with a focus on public health practice in 2018 from the University of South Florida. Ms. Oody serves on the board for the Florida Association of County Health Officers, Well Florida Health Planning Council, and Suwannee River Area Health Education Center. She is vice-chair of the North Central Florida Consortium and serves on the Infrastructure and Administration program council for DOH.
Ms. Oody would like to continue the excellent work that has been done in Bradford and Union Counties by focusing on healthy lifestyles and behaviors, public safety, maternal and child health. These goals are accomplished though staff that are empowered and trained to perform their job duties to the best of their ability with professionalism and dedication to improving the health of both Bradford and Union communities. Ms. Oody believes establishing partnerships and community commitments are key to improving the health status of residents and works closely in both counties with the Board of County Commissioners, local health advisory boards, and outside organizations vested in advancing health care issues in the community.
Ms. Oody is a lifelong resident of these local communities and currently resides with her three children.
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